
Blah, Blah, Blah and Blog -- The Regular Media does not like Bloggers... it threatens their livelihood, and when bucks are on the line, the media gets very defensive. They disliked CNN, hated FoxNews, and now despise bloggers. We're moving up in the world!


Yo Joe! GI Joe has come full circle. I remember as a kid, in the 1970s, GI Joe being a real, honest to god Grunt, 12 inches tall and complete with fuzzy beard, M-1 Garand, and no shortage of testosterone. You could even get scuba gear for Joe, to make him a Navy Seal. Then the violent-yet-not-gonna-kill-anyone GI Joe of the eighties came along, and the figures became too much like Japanese Anime figures -- bizarro, unreal beam weapons, bulky "doesn't do anything but look cool" armor and bizarre and non-existant enemies (heaven forbid Joe should fight the Nazis or the Japs a la WWII). Now Joe is back, in force. Oooh-Rah!
InstaPundit points out how Greta Van Susteran's cosmetic surgery has prompted the usual bevy of "It's terrible how women are judged on their looks" gobbledygook. Aside from that, did anyone notice that these same folks are often the very same folks who, a little over a year ago, were the people belittling Katherine Harris over her makeup and appearance when she was doing her duty? Aren't these often the same folks who wax enthusiastic over Hillary Clinton and Barbra Streisand, calling them beautiful, etc.? The problem is not that some of these folks are fixated on looks, but rather that they are hypocrits when confronted with that simple fact that they are fixated on looks. This subculture of lookists like to believe that they are deep and serious thinkers (some members: Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Bill Clinton), but their first and foremost counterargument tends to be along the lines "That person's viewpoints cannot be correct; they are not pretty enough!" -- as they ripped off into the ether with ad hominen attacks on GW Bush, Laura Bush, Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, Margaret Thatcher, etc. etc. I think part of the reason that Ronald and Nacy Reagan are truly hated by this crowd comes from teh fact that President and Mrs. Reagan are member of the "Beautiful People" set, and they dared to counter the intellectual hypocrisy and falsity of the Hollywood left. Oh, that brings up another point -- why does the same crowd that hangs on Barbra Sterisand's every pronouncement also dismiss Ronald Reagan as "just an actor"? President Reagan did so much more good for the world that some singer ever will... and he was a better actor...
b-may -- A diary from teh games. Thanks to InstaPundit for the reference...


My aplogies for delays in posting. I'm having problems on the home machine and I can't seem to find a fix...